City of Columbia Selects Ethical Advocate to Provide Employee Ethics Hotline

The City of Columbia, SC, has selected Ethical Advocate to provide the city’s ethics hotline as part of a larger ethics program that has recently been launched. The hotline will be available 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Ethical Advocate is a leading provider of anonymous and confidential incident reporting solutions, providing a mechanism for the confidential, anonymous submission by employees for concerns regarding questionable financial or ethics matters. Ethical Advocate’s systems will allow the City of Columbia to provide state-of the-art incident reporting mechanisms while allowing its employees and community members maximum anonymity.

About Ethical Advocate

Ethical Advocate, and its parent organization KJAS, provide systems to manage confidential data and information for corporate, government, and educational institutions. Ethical Advocate provides leading governance, risk and compliance solutions supporting Sarbanes-Oxley, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), and many other regulatory and reporting needs. Persons desiring to report incidents, indiscretions, or suggestions can do so securely, 24/7/365, with privacy and anonymity, on the Internet in 15 languages, or through its Call Center in 175 languages. Ethical Advocate also provides custom designed live and on-line Ethics Trainings and seminars. For more information, visit the Ethical Advocate website at or call 1-888-ETHICS 6.