Introducing and Promoting Your Ethics Hotline
When your organization makes the decision to implement an ethics hotline, you’re taking a great step forward in risk mitigation. Ethics hotlines are game-changers for all kinds of different business types, providing a reliable and anonymous channel for reporting experienced or suspected ethics concerns. But simply having a hotline isn’t always enough. You’ll also need to develop a robust strategy for officially launching it and promoting it to your staff and the public. Today, we’re sharing tips and best practices for introducing your ethics hotline and inspiring mass adoption of its many advantages among your teams, clients, and vendors.
Roll Out Announcements of the Ethics Hotline Before You Launch
Before making your ethics hotline available, consider building enthusiasm for it prior to launch with a series of communications and statements introducing the concept. Companywide emails and messaging about the announcement should include:
· Clear definitions of what an ethics hotline provides.
· Excitement about the many benefits of the ethics hotline.
· Information about where and when ethics-related hotline support and training resources are available.
· Share why your company is moving forward with an ethics hotline outlining your commitment to a fair and ethically responsible objective.
Communicate Frequently About Ethics Hotline Benefits
In addition to an introductory communication about the upcoming launch of your ethics hotline, consider laying in a series of supporting communications. Send reminders about the upcoming implementation. Offer FAQs and supporting materials for staff to explore before the hotline goes live. And make key members of your staff available to field questions and provide information about how and when to effectively use it once it’s available.
Provide Training Initiatives for Employee Introduction
Start developing training initiatives that align with your current ethics policies to share with your employees. Set various training dates to accommodate everyone’s schedules. And assign a dedicated manager to spearhead the training sessions. Once your ethics hotline becomes available, you’ll want to ensure that everyone knows how and when to use it.
Ethics hotline training points often include:
· Definitions of various ethical risks that warrant reporting.
· How and when to use the hotline, with instructions. · Subsequent procedures following a whistleblowing call, including investigations and potential outcomes.
Schedule Ongoing Ethics Training for New and Existing Staff
Consider adding an ongoing training initiative to your existing ethics oversight efforts. You’ll want to routinely make ethics training available to existing staff, especially to outline enhancements or changes to your policies. But you’ll also want an engaging training program for new hire onboarding. And with each training session, include a complete segment about the value, applications, and instructions for using your ethics hotline.
When you’ve made the decision to move forward with an ethics hotline for your small or medium-sized business, keep these tips in mind for properly introducing and promoting it. And trust our team at Ethical Advocate to help you with every step of the hotline implementation and management process. From the initial setup to monitoring ongoing hotline metrics, we can ensure you leverage every benefit. Contact us with any questions and to get started!