Public and Private Companies
Public companies are required to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, but fraud does not distinguish; it occurs in every type of company and organization. Many private companies are implementing more complete governance as they are also susceptible to many of the same indiscretions, fraud, accounting irregularities and discrimination practices as other firms. They have come to recognize that Ethical Advocate’s services are the most effective tool for uncovering any malfeasance.
Government agencies and government contractors face a more transparent existence than ever before. They must exhibit ethical behavior and practical business tactics to gain public trust and for federal government contractors, to meet new federal acquisition requirements. Learn how Ethical Advocate helps agencies and contractors take their ethics and compliance programs to the highest level of excellence.
Educational institutions face a higher level of scrutiny than ever before from all of the stakeholders and it’s not just about academic standing. It’s about how the school deals with fraud, abuse, research, risk management and governance. Managing risk for staff, faculty and students is essential and will affect the institution’s reputation.
The extraordinary amount of dollars Americans are donating to and investing in non-profits, plus the seemingly regular stream of news about malfeasance within them, has lead to ever-greater scrutiny of non-profit organizations. While the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is directed toward publicly traded companies, non-profits are beginning to feel its effects as some states are considering similar legislation for non-profit organizations.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) has drawn worldwide attention, and international firms traded on U.S. Exchanges must be now compliant with SOX 301 guidelines. Read about Ethical Advocate’s solutions and also about its solutions for deepening democracy in the developing world.