Incident Reporting
Ethical Advocate’s purpose is to provide you with the best information gathering system, and with the incident reporting system, our clients and over 4 million users have the most user friendly, rapid, and complete incident reporting system available.
System Features
Ethical Advocate does not offer a one-stop cookie cutter formula. EA works with you to custom design your incident reporting categories without limit to directly address your specific risk factors.
EA’s systems provide you the opportunity to receive incident reports from employees, vendors, suppliers and all other categories of stakeholders to whom you make the system available.
In order to maximize information gathering, Ethical Advocate’s system allows supporting file attachments when someone reports online.
Ethical Advocate’s systems provide your incident reviewers and anonymous informants the ability to communicate anonymously with each other without limit, whether they report online or use EA’s Call Center.
When incident reports are submitted, your incident reviewers receive e-mail notification immediately, indicating that a report has been submitted, thereby allowing you to easily determine when a report demands immediate attention.
Online and Call Center Reporting Features
Why settle just for a hotline when at no additional charge you can also have easy to use, intuitive web based reporting system?
- Your online reporting pages are easily identifiable as yours including the placement of your organization’s name, logo, welcoming letter from an appropriate company representative and ethics policy/ code of conduct.
- You can optionally create a custom URL page connected to your IntraNet.
- Incident reporters are guided through a series of well-crafted questions designed to provide you with the maximum information about the incident.
- The reporting system dynamically interacts with your user when an incident is being reported, and suggests specific questions based on the responses given. Every report is unique.
- You can design report dissemination so reports can be simultaneously sent to different departments and people and customized according to incident type and location.
- Ethical Advocate’s systems provide your incident reporters and incident reviewers the ability to communicate anonymously and without limit, whether they report online or use EA’s Call Center.
- Our secure Call Center provides 24/7/365 availability with up to 150 languages translation.
- All calls are answered live by our specially trained operators, with greetings custom designed for your organization.
- Our Call Center staff not only have appropriate technical ability, they are trained to interact with your incident reporters appropriately, given the sensitivity of the circumstances.
- To ensure accurate reporting of information, Call Center operators are instructed to read back the answers given by incident reporters.
- You will never get a busy signal at our Call Center. More than half of our calls are answered immediately, within 30 seconds.