State of The Art System Enhancements
Today, Ethical Advocate announced the successful completion of a major ethics hotline system upgrade focused on new client administrators’ capabilities and system use. Enhancements include dashboard reporting, enhanced navigation, more world language coverage, and additional report management features. Client administrator feedback has been positive across the board, including “The new enhancements have added some very helpful features”, “I really like the new features.”, “Glad to see it”, and “Thanks for this.”
The system has always provided a friendly user interface and key features such as 24x7x365 coverage, reporter anonymity, immediate administrator notification, multiple languages, customized categories and organizational hierarchies, differing administrator levels, and report management. The new features bring the system state of the art enhancements uniquely available now for Ethical Advocate ethics hotline administrators.
Ethical Advocate is committed to providing the industry best customer service and satisfaction. This commitment extends to listening to customer feedback and customer identified features and enhancements that are of greatest value. Ethical Advocate will continue to work with client administrators to ensure they have the features and reporting they need to effectively manage their ethics hotline reports.
About Ethical Advocate
Ethical Advocate provides leading ethics, governance, risk and compliance solutions supporting the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), the Federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Sarbanes-Oxley, OSHA, and many other regulatory and reporting needs. With Ethical Advocate’s ethics hotline, persons desiring to report incidents, indiscretions, or suggestions via a hotline can do so securely, 24/7/365, with privacy and anonymity, on the Internet in 17 languages, or through its Call Center in 200 languages. Ethical Advocate also provides custom designed live Ethics Trainings and seminars. For more information, visit the website at or call 1-888-ETHICS 6.